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Bathing Tools


Earth’s Enrichers

Organic Skin Care - ExfoliatingYou know all those strange bathing tools like the sponge, the loofah or luffa, bath scrunchies, washcloths, brushes—have you ever wondered where they came from or their uses? There are so many bathing tools for so many different reasons like accessibility, specific skin care needs, and to cater to different skin types. Just like the different steps in skin care like exfoliating, cleansing, and moisturizing there are different tools to help you achieve these goals.  

For exfoliating, there are the tools like the scrub brushes, hand gloves with the built in scrubbing materials, also the loofah (luffa).  The designed purpose of the exfoliating tools is to help remove dead skin and dirt off of your body as you bathe. The scrub brushes can be used all over the body because of the different brush types that can be chosen to benefit particular types of skin.  Unlike the loofah or hand/bathing gloves, you can find scrub brushes with varying types of bristle strength from soft to something a bit more bristly.

Loofahs have a rough, sand paper like texture and consistency when bought, but over time they tend to wear.  Their original texture will begin to soften when used over and over. While fresh, they do get the job done, though.

For those of you that are more “hands-on”, the bathing gloves also come in different varieties. Some have scrub-like abilities and then others are just like washcloths. They are easy to use, and you don’t have to worry about dropping them while bathing. However, they do tend to snag and tear so if you wear jewelry when you shower or have long nails, this may not be the best option. Some of the bathing gloves are like mittens and others are like ordinary five-fingered gloves.

It is important, as we always say, to know your skin. So if you have sensitive skin, try using exfoliating tools with softer surfaces, and if you have less sensitive skin or need deeper exfoliation, try those with coarser surfaces.

There are other bathing tools for cleansing and moisturizing such as sponges, bath scrunchies, and washcloths. Sponge tools can come in dual sides (exfoliating and bathing sides) and then others like sea sponges are consistent in texture all around. This tool, like the scrunchie, is a relaxing bathing tool. It lathers up your choice of soap and gently massages it into your skin. This helps your cleanser do its job whether it is lavender, which helps relaxation or oatmeal which helps your skin regain its health and eases irritated skin.

Softer tools are usually used on sensitive areas that may have sores, sunburn, irritations, eczema, and so on but they are also for the delicate skin on your face. Washcloths are ideal for facial cleansing. They are soft and fold perfectly on the hands to allow easy wiping of the face. Also, soft brushes can be used to exfoliate the dead skin off of the face.

Using hard brushes to exfoliate the face or any sensitive area is not recommended because it could cause redness and irritation. Also, be careful not to over wash or exfoliate without properly moisturizing afterwards, especially in cold weather. Exfoliating can dry out your skin and moisturizing helps your skin protect itself. Another tool to help you achieve healthy, moisturized skin is the lotion applicator which help you moisturize your skin in hard to reach places like your back. You’d be amazed at some of the bath tools out there. They were made to help you achieve a perfect bathing experience.

The EE 411: Did you know that was once alive?

There are two bath tools that we mentioned previously that were once living. Don’t freak out, but can you guess which ones?

The loofah or luffa was once a seed pod of a plant native to Asia that was dried out and sold as body scrubbers. Talk about organic!

The sea sponge was an actual living creature. It was an underwater creature with pores that allowed water to travel through it. Ehaha, who knew, right?

Share with Us: What is your favorite bathing tool?

(This post was brought to you by Earth’s Enrichments.  Similar posts can be found by visiting our Blog.  More information about our  company and products (USDA Certified Organic Soaps, Organic Bath Salts, Organic Sugar Scrubs, Organic Body Balms and Organic Lip Balms) can be found on our Website. Thank you Earth’s Enricher!) 

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Organic Skin Care – Winter Routine


Good Winter Earth’s Enrichers!

Organic Skin Care- Winter RoutineThis is the coldest part of the year. Do you have what it takes to complete the winter routine challenge? Each day during the harsh cold of the winter season, there is a routine to keep your skin healthy and give it what it needs to protect itself from the cold atmosphere. The goal of this winter routine is to keep your skin moisturized– that way it won’t become chapped or blistered.

Believe it or not, during the cold winter season your skin is introduced from one extreme climate to the next. When you’re outside it’s pure cold, maybe a harsh wind or two, and sometimes without enough moisture to help your skin. Then when you go inside to warm up, it can be too hot for your skin reducing the amount of its moisture.

There are routines that you can do to keep your skin hydrated and protected.  The most important area of focus is the skin on your face. In the winter you are more than likely covered neck to toe in warmer clothes that shield your arms, legs, and sometimes hands from the harsher weather. Your face has to endure the whipping wind and extreme cold—so it should be your priority before you leave the house to have it properly moisturized.

To moisturize properly, look for moisturizers especially for your face that protect from the cold and also the sun! Even though it is freezing and it feels like the sun is on vacation, it is really still emitting rays that could negatively affect your skin, depending on the sensitivity. Look for moisturizers that contain sunblock. That way you add another layer of protection to your facial skin.

The usual morning routine consists of washing your face.  During cold weather, it’s best to take extra precaution in your facial cleansing.  Since the cold weather already has the capability of drying out your skin, try not to use cleansers that will aid in this. Instead, try looking for cleansers that do not contain sulfates or alcohol, which tend to dry out and chap skin.

Remember, your lips are a part of your face and they need their own special kind of care. When it’s cold it can be even more difficult to keep your lips from falling apart, so be sure to look for moisturizing lip balms or chapsticks that contain sunblock. That way your entire face is happy and you can show it through your lips with a perfectly comfortable smile.

Your hands are very important you, so it makes sense to keep them moisturized as well, especially if you don’t have gloves. That way you give your hands a fighting chance against winter’s scorn. Keeping them moisturized helps prevent abrasions (such as splitting of the skin due to dryness) and uncomfortable things like hangnails.  Since your hands are one of the most busiest parts of your body, you might want to use creams to help keep them moisturized longer.

Outer beauty isn’t always all that counts; it’s inner beauty as well. Eating and drinking properly can keep your skin nourished. Other than moisturizing properly, you should drink lots of water. It helps keep your skin moisturized. It’s almost like your body’s back up plan against dryness. So keeping it fueled with enough hydration helps keep you looking young and refreshed, instead of dry and ashy.

Even though we highlighted a few areas that need the most care in this weather, it is important to moisturize all of your skin on a daily basis. That way your entire body is protected.   So we challenge you to take up these routines in 2014 to shield your skin from the harsh elements of the outdoors. 

The EE 411: General Steps

For keeping your face moisturized and ready for the day:

  1. Wash your face using alcohol-free (sulfate-free, etc.) cleansers.
  2. Use moisturizers that are beneficial for your skin type and contain sun protection
  3. Avoid exfoliating when skin is dry or chapped; it could cause blistering. (If this happens, you should see a medical professional.)
  4. Apply lip moisturizer (balm, chapstick, etc.) that is beneficial for your lips and also contains sun protection.

What not to leave the house without:

  1. Lip balm (or chapstick, etc.)
  2. Water bottle
  3. Hand sanitizer
  4. Hand cream
  5. Gloves

Give your hands a hand! Moisturize them before you leave the house and after washing your hands when going outside. That way they can help you do the activities you do every day. Stay warm!

Share with Us: What are your winter routines to keep your skin protected?

(This post was brought to you by Earth’s Enrichments.  Similar posts can be found by visiting our Blog.  More information about our  company and products (USDA Certified Organic Soaps, Organic Bath Salts, Organic Sugar Scrubs, Organic Body Balms and Organic Lip Balms) can be found on our Website. Thank you Earth’s Enricher!) 

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Healthy Snacks – Holiday Delights


Happy Holidays Earth’s Enrichers!

Healthy Snacks- Holiday DelightsThe next step to the holiday season is deciding what to put on the table. There are some traditional Christmas/Holiday goodies that actually have some beneficial ingredients that could add to healthy living. Remember the lyrics to “A Christmas Song” about chestnuts roasting on an open fire—believe it or not, they have some nice health benefits. So do sweet potatoes, popcorn, plums, cranberry sauce, candy canes, gingerbread, coffee, and even chocolate.

Chestnuts have substantial health benefits.  They are low in fat and calories. They are a nice source of fiber, vitamin B-6 and C. Another great benefit is that chestnuts, when ground up, can be used as a gluten-free flour for baked goods. So feel free to enjoy chestnuts draped over eggnog ice cream, cake, and even a salad.

Sweet potatoes also contain Vitamin B-6, and C. Vitamin C helps produce collagen, which aids the skin in looking younger, and helps with healing.  In addition, sweet potatoes have iron, magnesium, and fiber. Magnesium helps with relaxation and helps reduce stress.

Popcorn is basically whole grain that contains natural fibers and antioxidants but in order to get to these benefits, make the popcorn in olive oil. Processed popcorn contains butter and salt that overshadow the healthy benefits.

Remember the sugar plums that are supposed to dance over your head… well feel free to enjoy! Although some sugar plums can be pure sugar and candy, some can be made with the actual fruit—plums, prunes, figs, etc. If made with the fruits and a moderation of sugar, you can still benefit from the healthy properties of plums. Plums contain vitamin C, K, and A, thiamine, riboflavin, iron, calcium, potassium, and fiber. Vitamin C can help form, and repair skin.

Cranberry Sauce can also have some beneficial health. Check out cranberry sauces that are made with all-natural or organic ingredients. That way the health properties—fiber, Vitamin C, and E—could be enjoyed without artificial preservatives. Also, the tart in cranberries can help with inflammation.

Candy canes have great health benefits as well! Yes, pretty awesome! There is one catch to this the candy canes must contain peppermint oil, not artificial flavoring. The peppermint oil produces antioxidants that help break down food. It helps soothe indigestion and abdominal pain. It can decrease the chances of heartburn and bloating. It also, of course, helps get rid of bad breath, in part by helping to eliminate bacteria.

Gingerbread is another holiday tradition that you don’t have to feel guilty about. The main ingredients of gingerbreads or men are ginger and molasses. Molasses is a natural sweetener and ginger is an anti-inflammatory. It also helps with stomach discomfort. Don’t eat too many sweets though; you don’t want to over do it. Coffee and dark chocolate when consumed responsibly can help reduce cellulite and tone and protect skin respectively. 

There are many other healthy aspects to the wonderful things you eat for the holidays. These are just some well-known favorites. We encourage you to inquire about your favorite holiday treats and see what health benefits they might have.

The EE 411:

Green Tea, although not a holiday tradition, can be a healthy addition to your menu. It helps give your skin the nutrition it needs to protect your skin from too much exposure of harmful sun rays  and is an energizing equivalent for those who are sensitive to caffeine and don’t want a lot of it. It is also a healthy choice for drinking, giving you more healthy options to reduce the risks of diabetes.

Instead of using sugar, try the switch to honey. Honey helps regulate blood sugar. Honey is a natural sweetener that is equivalent to sugar. So to sweeten your teas, coffee, or even desserts, give it a try and see if you like it.

Last but certainly not least, ham can be another healthy addition to your holiday menu. Incorporating lean ham with low amounts of sodium helps maintain a healthy watch over your course selections. Ham contains protein and zinc (which can help boost immunity and wound healing). Add to this some healthy greens like mustard greens, kale, or green beans. A combination of mustard and kale can help lower cholesterol, and aid in eye health.  Green beans contain vitamins K, C, and A. They also have potassium, which can help maintain control over your blood pressure and help cell production. 

Share with Us: What are your family’s new or old holiday traditions when it comes to your menu?

(This post was brought to you by Earth’s Enrichments.  Similar posts can be found by visiting our Blog.  More information about our  company and products (USDA Certified Organic Soaps, Organic Bath Salts, Organic Sugar Scrubs, Organic Body Balms and Organic Lip Balms) can be found on our Website. Thank you Earth’s Enricher!) 

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Organic Soap – Happy Holidays

USDA Organic Bar Soap
USDA Organic Bar Soap

Hey Earth’s Enrichers!

The holiday season is coming up. Before you know it, it’ll be here—do you know what you’re going to get those special someones? We at EE may have a few ideas. With the colder and harsher weather, it is best to pay extra attention to your skin, making sure it is properly moisturized and has all of its proper nutrition. This holiday season we are offering a wide variety of gift and gift sets.  Three of our featured soap gift sets are: the Sampler, the Triple Treat, and the Combo gift set.  In the Sampler gift set you will receive a full size body bar of your choice and one mini body bar of each scent (7 in total).   In the Triple Treat gift set you will receive three full bar soaps of your choice and in the Combo gift set you will receive one full size bar soap and a wooden square soap dish.

For these gift sets you can choose from any of our lavish scents—Lavender of the Valley, Lemon Fresh Shea, Fresh Ground (Vanilla) Java, Honey Granola, Calming Spa Seaweed, Chai La Tea, and Naturally Nude. Each one of these body bars is USDA organic certified, and made with the finest ingredients. They also all have a coconut base, meaning that at the beginning of the production of each and every one of these bars, we start with coconut oil. Coconut oil is rich and helps keep your skin moisturized.  It also helps with stretch marks and acts as a natural sunscreen. We are all-natural, cruelty-free (absolutely no testing on animals), gluten free and vegan* (*except Honey Granola). Most importantly, in our soaps there are absolutely no parabens, sulfates, phthalates, petroleum, artificial coloring, artificial fragrances, or any preservatives.

The EE 411:

Our organic coconut oil based body bars give you the best skin care that soap can provide. Made with all natural nutrients, these bars will revitalize your skin and keep it healthy, moisturized and smooth. Our USDA certified collection leaves you with no questions of how serious we are about enriching your life with the finest organic skin care products available. Each body bar comes with its own unique benefits and properties:

Lavender of the Valley is a great relaxant, cleanser, and effective remedy for stress while gently healing your skin. It also has Aloe Vera which moisturizes, heals, and aids your skin in repair.

Lemon Fresh Shea has properties that can ward off skin/fungus infections, be a natural moisturizer, fade blemishes, protect the skin from damaging aggressions (wind, sun, cold, etc.), and rehydrate skin.

Fresh Ground (Vanilla) Java has properties that help reduce skin inflammation, reduce cellulite, exfoliate, and reduce stress, while perking up and improving your skin tone.

Honey Granola has properties that can protect the skin from sun rays, hydrate and treat minor acne, help eliminate toxins from your skin, soothe it and even reduce wrinkles.

Calming Spa Seaweed has properties that are great for nourishing and protecting skin, increasing circulation, combating inflammation, rejuvenating skin, calming acne, eczema, and rashes and helping with respiratory discomfort.

Chai La Tea has properties that provide antioxidants that are great for the skin, exfoliate, assist with drying out acne, and attract oxygen and various helpful nutrients to your skin.

Naturally Nude’s properties moisturize your skin, heal it, stimulate healthy cell growth, and help various skin conditions such as burns and eczema. 

Share with Us: What’s your favorite Body Bar?

(This post was brought to you by Earth’s Enrichments.  Similar posts can be found by visiting our Blog.  More information about our  company and products (USDA Certified Organic Soaps, Organic Bath Salts, Organic Sugar Scrubs, Organic Body Balms and Organic Lip Balms) can be found on our Website. Thank you Earth’s Enricher!) 

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Mission – Who We Are

Mission - Who We AreOur Mission:

  • Endow our customers with healthy skin care products that are pure and luxurious.
  • Exclusively use the finest ingredients to ensure only premium products.
  • Enlighten all to the overall importance of healthy skin care and constantly educate them on the benefits of nourishing and maintaining the largest organ of their body – the skin.

 Our Principles:

  • Exemplify honesty and integrity in all facets of our business, our products and our practices.
  • Enrich and empower our community socially, economically and physically.
  • Engage others with information and resources that will positively affect their lives.
  • Encourage women and children through charitable giving. 


Who we are-

In a nut shell:

Three women who simply love skin care products and were convinced that all skin care should be: 1) uncompromising 2) healthy and 3) luxurious. 

The Whole Story:

All three of us were employed in very uneventful and highly technical jobs.  There came a time when we wanted to step outside of the box and create something meaningful. We longed for engagement in a company that would produce something to impact the lives of its customers and offer them something that was extremely luxurious.  We wanted to create something wonderful and pleasing to the senses that people could take advantage of in their everyday life.  There were two things that we all loved.  Food and skin care!  Food wouldn’t work since none of us can cook.  But we all loved skin care, all kinds of skin care: soaps, butters, lotions, scrubs, balms, everything!  So…skin care it was!

As we ventured out on the journey to create skin care products which were uncompromising, healthy and luxurious, we took a year and a half to research the skin care market.  We tirelessly researched scents, consistencies, properties, and processes.  “How difficult could this really be?”  Our initial excitement quickly turned into dismay.  The more we researched the more we saw that skin care was not really what we thought it would/should be.  We discovered that the ingredients listed on our favorite product labels read more like experiments gone wrong than something that you should put on your body.  As a result, the labels really made us question the products that we put on our skin and the skin of the people we love.  Therefore, we became more conscious of what we wanted in our products.  Although all of us were somewhat health conscious, we were not your typical “organic consumers.”  We were more into the smell and feel of a product than its health factor. 

As mothers, daughters, sisters and aunties we were extremely bothered by the possible side effects that were connected to the chemicals in the products that we were using.  Realizing that we make the purchasing decisions for skin care products in our homes and that we are responsible for their use on our babies, daughters, sons, and husbands, we began to give more thought to the toxins therein.    We understood the science and reasoning behind why preservatives and other chemicals were being used, however, we felt that there had to be a better way.

This led us to looking into natural and organic soaps and other skin care products.  We could easily read and understand these ingredients.  We could also do research and find out about the soothing and healing properties that these ingredients provide.  We were sold! 

But there were still three main problems.  First, we spent a lot of time trying several organic products, but we never seemed to find the right combination of what we wanted.  If the product was luxurious, then it was not organic and if it was organic, then it wasn’t very luxurious.  This gave us the desire to create products that were both organic and luxurious.  Secondly, it was clear that organic materials were a lot more costly and a little harder to find.  This meant that our organic skin care brand would definitely require extra financial investments.  Thirdly, was the issue of shelf life and preservatives?  Do we use them or do we not?  Sure they would extend the life of our product, but maybe products that go on your skin shouldn’t be made to sit in your medicine cabinet or linen closet for multiple years.  Skin care products feed the skin just as food feeds the body.  Therefore everything that is supposed to be beneficial to your body should have a shelf life, including healthy skin products.    As a result of our findings, we were forced to answer the question “Is healthy skin care really worth the ‘extra’ it would take?”    We voted YES!  Hence, Earth’s Enrichments was born.

Here at Earth’s Enrichments, we create and offer organic skin care products that are healthy, environmentally friendly and that are suitable for all ages and skin types.  The ingredients that we use in our products enrich, protect, and revive the natural condition and beauty of your skin.   As we hand craft our skincare lines we want to ensure that we create the best products possible for our families and yours.

Please stay connected to us as we continue to develop our luxurious organic skin care products and share with you what we discover about healthy skin care.


Earth’s Enrichments

‘Enriched by Earth…Deserved by Everyone!’

(This post was brought to you by Earth’s Enrichments.  Similar posts can be found by visiting our Blog.  More information about our  company and products (USDA Certified Organic Soaps, Organic Bath Salts, Organic Sugar Scrubs, Organic Body Balms and Organic Lip Balms) can be found on our Website. Thank you Earth’s Enricher!) 

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Organic Soap – Yes We Are

USDA Organic Certified


Yes we are—USDA organic, all-natural, handcrafted, cruelty- free, non-GMO, vegan*, and gluten- free* (*Except for Honey Granola which is in the process of a makeover.  It will become gluten- free soon!)

 Last week we talked about skincare ingredients that have harmful effects to your skin.  This week we will talk about the aspects of our soaps that care for and nurture your skin.  Remember, we know what it’s like to have sensitive skin and have some elements in the average soap break you out. We know what it’s like to have skin irritation and can’t find skin care products that won’t irritate your skin further.  We also know what it’s like to use an organic soap and have it not meet your expectation.  So, we have used our experiences and homework to make our soaps with you and your skin in mind.


The EE 411

We at EE offer USDA certified organic soaps that do not contain parabens, sulfates, phthalates, petroleum, artificial coloring, artificial fragrances, or artificial preservatives.  Instead our products are handcrafted, USDA organic certified, all-natural, cruelty- free, vegan* and gluten-free* (*except Honey Granola).

USDA Organic Certified

First, what does it mean to be organic? It means that the product does not contain any genetically modified organisms, synthetic ingredients, chemicals, pesticides, etc.  In other words, everything is grown in a natural, un-tampered environment.

Second, how does the USDA National Organic Program recognize products that are USDA organic certified? In order for products to be recognized as USDA organic certified they must contain 95% certified organic ingredients or greater. To obtain the ‘USDA Organic’ title, a Government certified agency must check and make sure that the manufacturer fulfills all of the requirements of the USDA organic standard.

Third, how do you know if a product is USDA Organic certified? Simply look for the USDA organic seal on the product. This is a circular seal that contains the words USDA organic.  Check out the picture at the top of this blog.

All- Natural

All-natural means that the product doesn’t contain any chemicals or lab made preservatives such as parabens, sulfates, artificial preservatives, phthalates, artificial coloring, etc.  At Earth’s Enrichments we have found natural ingredients to these unhealthy choices. Mother Nature equips us with natural ingredients to be used as preservatives and repellants. The trick is finding out her secrets—for instance, some herbs can be used as a bug repellent.  Likewise, salt can be used as a natural preservative. Check it out! You’d be amazed at what some of the things in your fridge and cabinets can do for you.


Handcrafted or handmade means skillfully made by hand. Like our products, when your favorite products say ‘handcrafted’ it means made by people and not machines. In other words, each product is specially fashioned with you in mind. With us, each bar has its own personality and is uniquely designed.


A vegan product means that none of its ingredients or products were taken from any insects or animals. Just in case you have forgotten, this would include bugs, critters, and creepy crawlers. This would even include the bees that make your honey.

Cruelty- Free

Cruelty free means no animals or any living creatures were harmed in the making of a product. When we say our products are cruelty free, we mean it! No lipstick on dogs or sulfate ridden shampoo on kittens.  In our case, no bees were harmed during the making of our Honey Granola bar soap. We do not condone any testing of products on animals. 

Gluten- Free

Gluten is a type of protein that produces elasticity in dough. It can be found in cereal, grain, and wheat. Although it is naturally found in grain and wheat, it is also a popular allergen.  It can affect people with allergies to grain, wheat, or those who suffer from Coeliac Disease (unable to digest gliadin, which is in Gluten).

Therefore, when a product says it is gluten free, it contains no traces of gluten. 


GMO stands for genetically modified organisms.  It refers to products that are scientifically tampered with in anyway to make them last longer, taste better, or look more appealing. This often includes fruits, vegetables, meats. 

Share with Us:  What other positive benefits would you like your skincare to have?

(This post was brought to you by Earth’s Enrichments.  Similar posts can be found by visiting our Blog.  More information about our  company and products (USDA Certified Organic Soaps, Organic Bath Salts, Organic Sugar Scrubs, Organic Body Balms and Organic Lip Balms) can be found on our Website. Thank you Earth’s Enricher!) 

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Soap (USDA Organic) – Lavender of the Valley

Organic Soap – Lavender of the Valley

TOP PICK! This bar soap has a statement to make! Lavender of the Valley demands your total attention with its calming lavender scent.  It will put you in a state of comfort and total relaxation. When you’re this bar’s client, all of your stress is washed away. Case Closed!

Lavender of the Valley

Lavender of the Valley will be one of your favorite picks. This body bar is very smooth and soothing with a soft lasting fragrance. With ground lavender buds, this bar will give you a sense of comfort and serenity.


Our organic coconut oil based body bars give you the best skincare that soap can provide. Made with natural nutrients, these bars will revitalize your skin and keep it healthy, moisturized and smooth. Our USDA certified collection leaves you with no questions of how serious we are about enriching your life with the finest organic skin care products available.

The EE 411: USDA Organic Bar Soap

In carrying the USDA Organic Seal it is guaranteed that this soap contains at least 95% organic ingredients and meets the highest processing standards as defined by the USDA.  This bar contains NO Parabens, Sulfates, Phthalates, Petroleum, or Artificial Coloring!   It is Vegan, Gluten-Free, and Cruelty-Free.

Why we love Lavender?                                                       

  • Great relaxant and effective remedy for stress
  • Effective cleanser
  • Gentle healing benefits

Aloe Vera’s Amazing benefits

  • Moisturizes skin
  • Heals dry skin
  • Stimulates healthy cell growth
  • Aids in the repair of damaged tissue
  • Helps treat various skin conditions such as burns and eczema

Share with us:  What has been your experience with Lavender and Aloe Vera?

(This post was brought to you by Earth’s Enrichments.  Similar posts can be found by visiting our Blog.  More information about our  company and products (USDA Certified Organic Soaps, Organic Bath Salts, Organic Sugar Scrubs, Organic Body Balms and Organic Lip Balms) can be found on our Website. Thank you Earth’s Enricher!)