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Bathing Tools


Earth’s Enrichers

Organic Skin Care - ExfoliatingYou know all those strange bathing tools like the sponge, the loofah or luffa, bath scrunchies, washcloths, brushes—have you ever wondered where they came from or their uses? There are so many bathing tools for so many different reasons like accessibility, specific skin care needs, and to cater to different skin types. Just like the different steps in skin care like exfoliating, cleansing, and moisturizing there are different tools to help you achieve these goals.  

For exfoliating, there are the tools like the scrub brushes, hand gloves with the built in scrubbing materials, also the loofah (luffa).  The designed purpose of the exfoliating tools is to help remove dead skin and dirt off of your body as you bathe. The scrub brushes can be used all over the body because of the different brush types that can be chosen to benefit particular types of skin.  Unlike the loofah or hand/bathing gloves, you can find scrub brushes with varying types of bristle strength from soft to something a bit more bristly.

Loofahs have a rough, sand paper like texture and consistency when bought, but over time they tend to wear.  Their original texture will begin to soften when used over and over. While fresh, they do get the job done, though.

For those of you that are more “hands-on”, the bathing gloves also come in different varieties. Some have scrub-like abilities and then others are just like washcloths. They are easy to use, and you don’t have to worry about dropping them while bathing. However, they do tend to snag and tear so if you wear jewelry when you shower or have long nails, this may not be the best option. Some of the bathing gloves are like mittens and others are like ordinary five-fingered gloves.

It is important, as we always say, to know your skin. So if you have sensitive skin, try using exfoliating tools with softer surfaces, and if you have less sensitive skin or need deeper exfoliation, try those with coarser surfaces.

There are other bathing tools for cleansing and moisturizing such as sponges, bath scrunchies, and washcloths. Sponge tools can come in dual sides (exfoliating and bathing sides) and then others like sea sponges are consistent in texture all around. This tool, like the scrunchie, is a relaxing bathing tool. It lathers up your choice of soap and gently massages it into your skin. This helps your cleanser do its job whether it is lavender, which helps relaxation or oatmeal which helps your skin regain its health and eases irritated skin.

Softer tools are usually used on sensitive areas that may have sores, sunburn, irritations, eczema, and so on but they are also for the delicate skin on your face. Washcloths are ideal for facial cleansing. They are soft and fold perfectly on the hands to allow easy wiping of the face. Also, soft brushes can be used to exfoliate the dead skin off of the face.

Using hard brushes to exfoliate the face or any sensitive area is not recommended because it could cause redness and irritation. Also, be careful not to over wash or exfoliate without properly moisturizing afterwards, especially in cold weather. Exfoliating can dry out your skin and moisturizing helps your skin protect itself. Another tool to help you achieve healthy, moisturized skin is the lotion applicator which help you moisturize your skin in hard to reach places like your back. You’d be amazed at some of the bath tools out there. They were made to help you achieve a perfect bathing experience.

The EE 411: Did you know that was once alive?

There are two bath tools that we mentioned previously that were once living. Don’t freak out, but can you guess which ones?

The loofah or luffa was once a seed pod of a plant native to Asia that was dried out and sold as body scrubbers. Talk about organic!

The sea sponge was an actual living creature. It was an underwater creature with pores that allowed water to travel through it. Ehaha, who knew, right?

Share with Us: What is your favorite bathing tool?

(This post was brought to you by Earth’s Enrichments.  Similar posts can be found by visiting our Blog.  More information about our  company and products (USDA Certified Organic Soaps, Organic Bath Salts, Organic Sugar Scrubs, Organic Body Balms and Organic Lip Balms) can be found on our Website. Thank you Earth’s Enricher!) 

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Aromatherapy and Natural Perfumes

Aromatherapy and Natural PerfumesHey Earth’s Enrichers!

Get ready for the winter season, it will be quite cold and nippy this year. However, when the cold rolls in so do the Holidays like Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc. This season brings around new aromas like pumpkin spice, and cinnamon  that contribute to the delicious scents of the season.

Although scents can be used as Feng Shui ( to create the perfect balance) and for aesthetic purposes, they are also used to help individuals’ moods.  As you may already know, this is called Aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is often a preferred alternative method to medicine.  It is used to help change the state of a person’s mind.  In some cases, aromatherapy can help create a mood of relaxation after a long day of stress or it can help boost your mood when you may be feeling a little tired.

The aroma in aromatherapy is made up of essential oils from plants like roses, lavender, vanilla, or cinnamon.  Some oils have specific benefits that they provide.  For instance, if you’re in your office and you need some inspiration, get some peach spray or oil to help you perk up.  Or, if you are having problems with your sinuses, try some mint oil mixed with hot water and inhale the steam. You will be able to breathe again!

Aromatherapy can also be done with candles, not just oils.  When you finally get home from the cold, dim the lights, light some candles, and then take a nice warm bubble bath. The aroma from a lavender scented candle will help relax you.  Likewise, when your family comes over for the holiday, light a cinnamon  candle and watch them smile as they come through the door.

Here are some things that are important when looking for oils: First (1) look for oils that are not harsh on the skin.  You may want a long lasting fragrance that stays with you all day; however, you do not want oil that will break you out by the end of the day. Secondly (2), find the purest oils. They give you a great experience and they will help you obtain the functionality that you want (i.e. to relax, to perk up, etc.). Thirdly (3), make sure that you are careful around oils with your clothes.  You want oils that are skin and clothes safe.  Lastly (4), just for fun, look at the origins of the extracts that are in the oils. You should know if you are allergic to them and what they can actually do for you and your body.  Doing so may even help you figure out why you like them so much.

The EE 411: 

There is a difference between perfume and the oils in aromatherapy.  Perfumes very rarely have any natural oil extracts.   Their ingredients usually contain synthetic and artificial scents with added chemicals such as Ethyl alcohol, phthalates, and Benzyl Benzoate. 

Oils on the other hand, usually only contain extractions of the featured oil scent and perhaps additional essential oils that help complement that scent. They are mainly flavored by herbs and spices but they should contain nothing synthetic.  However, some oils are hard to come by.  So some venders may find the next best thing or they may dilute it a little.  If you read the ingredients of an oil and it has the same ingredients of a perfume, then it is essentially not an oil that should be used for aromatherapy.

Here are a few scents and their functions:

  • Lavender oils help boost your immune system, help you relax and sleep, and it has been known to help with depression.
  • Chamomile oils can help with digestion, it can be used as an anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory, and it is also a wonderful relaxant.
  • Rosemary oils can help stimulate circulation, relieve pain, and help with decongestant.
  • Peppermint oils can help with sinuses, digestion, decongestant, and it can also be used as an antiseptic.

 Share with Us: What’s your favorite oil scent and what does it do for you?

(This post was brought to you by Earth’s Enrichments.  Similar posts can be found by visiting our Blog.  More information about our  company and products (USDA Certified Organic Soaps, Organic Bath Salts, Organic Sugar Scrubs, Organic Body Balms and Organic Lip Balms) can be found on our Website. Thank you Earth’s Enricher!) 

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Organic Skin Care 101

Organic Skin Care 101

Welcome Back Earth’s Enrichers! The school year has officially started and it’s time for some fun and beneficial skincare education. Don’t worry, we won’t lecture you, but let’s look at why we do what we do to our skin. So, let’s begin, why is skincare important? Seriously! Let’s think about it.

 There are certain regiments that we practice as our signature skincare routine.  Although it’s not always in the same order, we cleanse, exfoliate, moisturize, apply sunscreen, use shaving cream when shaving, and wash our hair. Have you ever thought about what happened if we didn’t do some of these things? 

If we didn’t perform healthy skincare practices, we would weaken our most prominent protection against the environment (not to mention we’d be quite smelly as well). Proper skin care helps strengthen our body’s largest organ. For instance, if we don’t clean our skin we leave it exposed to germs, infections, and bacteria that could break our skin out. This could also cause long term damage.

During the course of the next few weeks, we will talk more in depth with you about the importance of the following skin rituals: cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing, applying sunscreen, the pros and cons of using shaving cream while shaving, and washing our hair. 

The EE 411

Although skincare is quite important, it can be too much of a good thing. Say you love peanut butter and you eat it every day, sooner or later you will begin to rethink your desire. The same goes for over cleansing, exfoliating, moisturizing, applying sunscreen, shaving and even washing your hair in some cases. By overdoing even one of these things you could irritate or damage your skin. The key is knowing your skin and how to balance your regiment.

Tell Us: What are some of your skincare routines that you can’t live without? For instance, moisturizing your hands before you go to bed.

(This post was brought to you by Earth’s Enrichments.  Similar posts can be found by visiting our Blog.  More information about our  company and products (USDA Certified Organic Soaps, Organic Bath Salts, Organic Sugar Scrubs, Organic Body Balms and Organic Lip Balms) can be found on our Website. Thank you Earth’s Enricher!)