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Health and Living – Physical Health

 Active Fitness Word Cloud CollageHey Earth’s Enrichers

Did you know there are basic principles to  healthy living? These  six principles  develop a well-rounded, healthy life. These  principles are physical health, intellectual health (mind), spiritual health, emotional health, social health and environmental health. In the next few weeks, we will feature each one of these principles and explain what exactly they entail and how they can easily be included into the healthy life that you deserve.

This week we will focus on physical health, which represents the body’s health. This principle refers to anything that benefits your body’s physical fitness, safety, nutrition, and medical responsibility.

As a part of physical health, physical fitness such as exercising and activity promotes the idea of keeping your body functioning the way it should whether it’s increasing flexibility, tracking  your calories, or staying active. This also means maintaining your physical health. It is important to pay attention to your body and understand its physical limits.

Try to practice safe fitness and try not to put your body in awkward positions. For instance, when  with exercising, try machines and workouts that support your body’s needs. If your balance isn’t that great, perhaps running up and down stairs isn’t the best option for you; instead, try an elliptical or stair climber. If your knees are a weak point, try to refrain from workouts that hyperextend them or require sudden twists or movements. Trust us, the last thing you want is to blow out a knee. So, be safe and smart about your fitness.

This principle also encompasses the ability to take care of the outer most properties of your physical health—this means your skin. Your skin is your most important source of protection for your body. It repels germs and other radicals from just entering your body. It comes in contact with tons of bacteria and possible dangers every minute of every hour and it needs your help to continue its job. Properly keeping your skin healthy and clean with natural and organic means protects it. This means keeping it clean, moisturized, and exfoliated. The better your skin feels, the better you feel.

Another aspect of this principle is nutrition—what you put into your body. You can’t keep up with your outer most physical health (muscles, joints, and skin) without taking care of your inner physical health (vitamins and nutrients). This means your body’s diet is necessary to balancing out your physical health. For instance, food and water are necessary when working out your body. The water keeps your body hydrated and keeps your muscles from cramping too much during exercise. Food, such as proteins like in chicken, gives your body energy and helps replace the fuel in your body lost after working out.   . 

Thus, it is important to keep your body properly hydrated and fed but this doesn’t mean put any ol’ thing in your body. Also try to include as many healthy fruits and vegetables as you can.  Try limiting  consumption of processed foods. Work out a healthy and affordable diet to increase your inner fitness. In order to do this you may need to know a few things about your medical health and/or consult a professional (nutritionist).

Knowing what you’re lacking in your nutrition can help you build a better plan. Also, it is important to consider what foods are good for boosting your immune system and are great for certain conditions and diseases you may have like obesity or diabetes. This is a part of your medical responsibility. Knowing that these conditions exist and could be a part of your everyday life, it would be beneficial to incorporate what you need to keep yourself healthy.  

We know that there are other factors that affect our ability to eat properly and exercise. These factors are time, money, and personal taste. However, with proper researching and planning, a healthy, timely, and affordable diet and fitness plan may be achieved.

The EE 411: 

Do you all know the difference between physical activity and exercise?

We will give you a hint, physical activity is what you do every single day. Have you figured it out yet? It’s as simple as walking through the parking lot to get to your car, or walking to the bus or metro. Another example of physical activity could be taking the stairs, instead of the elevator.

Physical activity is the basic movements your body makes on an average day. This would even include biking or walking to work instead of driving. This is equivalent to walking casually around the mall. The important part of this is that your body should get some physical activity every day. If you find, you’re sitting still the majority of the day, get up and do something!

If you’re sitting all day at a desk, stand up for a little bit and type. You might even want to stretch a little. However, this is where we move into the meaning of exercise. Exercise is an intentional workout that usually has an end goal or outcome. Folks usually tend to work out to relieve themselves of stress, lose weight, tone their bodies, etc.

Yoga is a great example of exercise! It’s an intentional flexibility and muscle endurance/strength work out. The end result is to either become one with your body or increase your core strength and range of motion. Jogging is an intentional workout, the end goal is endurance and cardio. It may also be used to regulate and maintain your body.

Either way, incorporating more physical activity in your everyday life  is crucial to healthy living, especially if you . If y don’t necessarily have the time to work out every day. Don’t be afraid to put aside some time to work out, you and your body deserve it.  Maybe even join a fitness class or a gym. You could bring your friends along or meet new people. It’s a great way to socialize.

When you have finished your workout, reward yourself! Break out the Lavender of the Valley, Calming Spa Seaweed, or Lemon fresh Shea baths salts and draw yourself a bath. This is a perfect way to look after your skin and relax your muscles—trust us, you deserve it. ^-^

Share with Us: What is your favorite type of physical activity? 

(This post was brought to you by Earth’s Enrichments.  Similar posts can be found by visiting our Blog.  More information about our  company and products (USDA Certified Organic Soaps, Organic Bath Salts, Organic Sugar Scrubs, Organic Body Balms and Organic Lip Balms) can be found on our Website. Thank you Earth’s Enricher!) 

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Organic Health – An Apple a Day

????????????????????????????????? Hey Earth’s Enrichers

You know what? We think red may be your color, or green, or yellow, how do you feel about all three? What’s with that look? We are talking about your color in fruit—apples, to be exact. Remember, the classic Red Delicious apples, the Granny Smith (green) apples, the Golden Delicious (yellow) apples, and the Gala apples?

We are pretty sure you are wondering why we are talking apples this week. It’s because the old saying may be true. An apple a day could keep the doctor away. The majority of you know that apples are healthy, but how many of you know how healthy? An apple by itself has a ton of benefits for you and your body.

Apples contain many benefits and these benefits can be found in certain areas of the apple. A word to you apple peelers! The skin of the apple is the most beneficial part; skinning it removes about 50% of its healthy charm. Apple skin contains most of the apple’s fiber and antioxidants. The dietary fiber can help reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in your blood. So you may want to stop peeling.

The apple as a whole has benefits like vitamin C and B. The vitamin C in the apple contains potent antioxidants that can help against radicals and boost the body’s immune system (keeping the doctor away^-^). The vitamin B or B-6 along with riboflavin, and thiamin can help maintain the red blood cells and the nervous system.

Other health benefits of apples tend to look after long-term problems like lowering the levels of bad cholesterol and reducing the risk of diabetes and breast cancer. However, with all good things too much can be a problem and result in counterproductive means to getting health.

An apple a day is okay and could keep the doctor away. An apple every day, all day, could give you a one way ticket. Eating apples to often can be bad for your teeth because of the acidity of the fruit. It’s best to eat smart. Also, be careful to not eat the apple seeds; they contain cyanide and can be dangerous if consumed one too many times.

Last, but certainly not least, look after your body. If you are worried about eating apples or if you have diabetes and are not sure which fruits to consume, it is best to consult your doctor. Stay healthy and cool!

The EE 411: How many ways can you eat an apple? 🙂 

We’ve checked out some healthy ways to eat a delicious apple. Here is what we came up with:

  1. Natural or organic applesauce
  2. Baked with cinnamon
  3. Mixed in with yogurt (greek or plain)
  4. Sliced
  5. Turned into a milkshake, smoothie, or juiced
  6. Apples + Peanut butter= yum!
  7. Add them to meals like stir fry or salad
  8. Add them to your deli sandwich
  9. Fruit salad
  10. With or in your oatmeal

Also, for your special treat, we were thinking you might want to know what different types of apples were out there and there are so many. Epicurious and Depin Heights both have an extensive log pertaining to the varieties, uses, recipes, seasons, and descriptions of the apple.

Share with Us: Do you have any healthy apple treats or recipes that you’d like to share?

(This post was brought to you by Earth’s Enrichments.  Similar posts can be found by visiting our Blog.  More information about our  company and products (USDA Certified Organic Soaps, Organic Bath Salts, Organic Sugar Scrubs, Organic Body Balms and Organic Lip Balms) can be found on our Website. Thank you Earth’s Enricher!) 

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Living Health – Yoga


????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Hey Earth’s Enrichers

Even during those summer days, waking up can be a nightmare especially when it’s early, but what do you do when you wake up? Think about it, the first thing you do is stretch to wake up your muscles. Stretching your muscles is and should be a part of your everyday physical activity and/or exercise.

If your body is getting its preparation, what about your mind? Is there an exercise that prepares your body as well as your mind? Well, there is! You all have heard of yoga, right? Yoga is an exercise and meditation activities that helps you unite your mind and body. It uses techniques or poses to help with your posture, flexibility, and strength. It also teaches you how to breathe during the practice of these particular exercises.

Before we go on to the physical part, let’s talk about the meditation (or the mind exercise) that happens before or during your practice of yoga. Meditation is not always a religious practice; it’s a way of getting your mind together whether you’re contemplating your spirituality or how to make your kids eat their vegetables. It’s a way to get in touch with your body as well. Remember how we always say get to know your body? Meditation can help you with that during the poses in yoga.

When or if beginning yoga for the first time, you may not find it easy for your body and you may discover new things about your body. For instance, you may discover poses that you like or poses you don’t like. This depends on how the poses feels to your body. It also shows you where and how you need to improve physically. It’s challenging but yoga is a progressive exercise practice. When we say “practice,” we mean with more practice comes more improvement. You’ll find, over time, those uncomfortable poses won’t be so uncomfortable anymore.

Yoga inspires stretching and positioning your body in ways that will improve your flexibility. It also encourages you to use muscles you haven’t used or never knew you had. When your yoga instructor directs you to take a specific pose or certain posture, it conjures those dormant muscles. Over time, they build and tone.  For instance, the use of good posture strengthens your core muscles.

If you’re looking for a way to become one with yourself (an exercise for your mind and body), and to progressively improve your fitness (flexibility and strength), give yoga a try. It may be one of the best ways to exercise for you.

The EE 411: For the Newbies 🙂 

There are a few things that beginners should keep in mind when starting yoga: (1) how do I prepare for yoga and (2) what type of yoga do I like or is best for me?

How do I prepare for yoga?

  1. Determine if yoga is right for you by checking with your doctor. Medical considerations like hip surgery or pregnancy should be taken into account. Although, it is recommend that those expecting should not practice yoga—still consult a professional.
  2. Keep Hydrated. This is important in general! This is also really important if you are thinking about practicing Hot Yoga or Bikram.
  3. Eat. A rational meal two to three hours before practicing will give you energy to put forth the necessary effort.
  4. Know your limits. Do not perform a task just because everybody else in the class can. If you cannot do it, do not push it to the limit. Do what your body is prepared for; in time your flexibility and strength will improve. Also, know what time of day you are more flexible. For instance if you are your stiffest in the morning, morning yoga classes may not be the best for you.
  5. Warm up! Pre-stretches for ten or fifteen minutes help ready your body for the work it’s going to put in during yoga.

What type of yoga do I like or is best for me?

  • Anusara- Popular and designed in the US, this type of yoga inspires elegance with a focus on alignment.
  • Ashtanga- This style encompasses a series of postures with matching breathing. It is a physically demanding work out, so bring a towel.
  • Bikram –This yoga is heated, literally. It takes place in an artificially heated room. It consists of 26 poses in a sequence. You will sweat—this is another towel demanding yoga practice.
  • Hatcha- This is a generic, universal form of yoga. It is one of the common practices and is generally used for introduction because of its gentle style and more relaxed environment.
  • Hot Yoga- Do not forget your towel! It is similar to Bikram except the sequence of the poses is different, but the room is still heated.
  • Iyengar- this yoga practice is scrupulous and requires you to pay the utmost attention to detail. It requires configuration in your poses. It also summons the use of props during the practice. It requires plenty of discipline and is not for the faint hearted or fidgety.
  • Restorative- Do you consider yourself a nervous person? This yoga works to relax and calm the nerves. This yoga also uses props like blankets and instructs the students to take less disciplined poses. It requires less effort and restores your body to its proper balance.
  • Vinyasa- If you like to dance this may be the yoga for you. Its practice is to incorporate more harmonious movements that are sequenced to flow smoothly. However, the sequences are almost never the same. So, it is less consistent.

(This post was brought to you by Earth’s Enrichments.  Similar posts can be found by visiting our Blog.  More information about our  company and products (USDA Certified Organic Soaps, Organic Bath Salts, Organic Sugar Scrubs, Organic Body Balms and Organic Lip Balms) can be found on our Website. Thank you Earth’s Enricher!) 

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Hair Health – The Rate Hair Grows


Hey Earth’s Enrichers!

Every once in a while we feature a post from another blog which peaks our interest and that we think may peak yours as well.  This week’s blog was created by Natural Nicole and it provides you with great information regarding hair growth and hair loss.  We hope that you enjoy it!

Our hair usually grows at least six inches a year but it could grow more than six inches a year when you factor in DNA and your diet.  This means the average rate of hair growth in a month is ½ inch per month, which means our hair is constantly growing!

Three major things can have a negative effect on how our hair grows and can cause it to slow down they are: 

1. Medications 

2. Stress 

3. Unhealthy Diet 

4. Sleep Deprivation 

If you notice your hair is not growing or the rate of growth has slowed down look into the things listed above and try to work on that area. 

Ways you can prevent breakage or hair loss is by implementing the following:

1. Eat Healthy 

2. Cut back on your caffeine intake 

3. Don’t over use heat 

4. Make sure to massage your scalp 

5. Be gentle when combing your hair

6. Make sure to deep condition your hair 

7. Avoid protein overload 

8. Get your ends trimmed 

9. Don’t over condition your hair 

10.Use a Sulfate Free Shampoo 

11.Wear Protective Styles 

12.Always wear a satin bonnet to bed

13.Don’t braid your hair tight

14.Try and keep your hands out of your hair in other words don’t play in your hair 

15. Seal in the Moisture with a good oil and keep your hair moisturized

I think that you will have a healthy hair journey with a successful growth rate if you take heed to the things I listed above! 

(This post was brought to you by Earth’s Enrichments.  Similar posts can be found by visiting our Blog.  More information about our  company and products (USDA Certified Organic Soaps, Organic Bath Salts, Organic Sugar Scrubs, Organic Body Balms and Organic Lip Balms) can be found on our Website. Thank you Earth’s Enricher!) 

Until Next time! 

Stay Encouraged


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Health Lifestyle – Daily Health: Sunlight


Hey Earth’s Enrichers

Free Happy Woman Enjoying Nature. Beauty Girl Outdoor. Freedom cHow are your everyday health activities coming along? Have you been getting enough water, food & nourishment, and physical activity? It’s harder than it sounds, huh? Well, we have one more ingredient to healthy living. This ingredient will complete your basic daily health prescription.

Your body requires certain things to help it get through the day and maintain a balance of good health. Without these things, it could produce small signs which are messages or SOS signals, if you will, from your body saying it needs them. So your body’s basic needs boils down to sleep, food or nourishment, physical activity, sun, and water.  This week our topic will be sunlight.

The sun is a very important factor in your daily life, even on rainy days. It provides us with key nutrients that are great for our everyday health. These nutrients come from the UVB rays that come from the sun. These rays are present even when you cannot physically see the sun.

The sun is our primary source of Vitamin D. It is not the sun directly that makes the Vitamin D for us. It is our body’s reaction with the UVB rays. Vitamin D helps regulate the absorption of calcium and phosphorous into the body. It also helps regulate the immune system. Another reason why Vitamin D is so important is for bone development. It helps build strong bones and teeth, and helps osteoporosis or osteomalacia.

Another aspect of sunlight is your mood. Some researchers have discovered that sunlight can brighten your day. With the reduction of sunlight, a person can develop anxiety, depression, stress, and low energy. When an individual retains the right amount of sun or vitamin D3 it helps reduce anxiety, stress, and depression.   

Also, being in the sun feels great! It’s spring time, finally, turning into summertime. You will have plenty of opportunities to be in the sunlight! It is important, however, to be careful.  Safety is always first. Make sure you know how much sun your skin can handle and find a sunscreen that is good enough for you. Also, if you are having a problem absorbing Vitamin D, see your doctor. A professional can help you figure out what is best for your body.

The EE 411:

Environmental factors that can impede Vitamin D absorption are:

  • Incorrect use of sunscreen
  • Pollution
  • Longer periods spent inside
  • Also, not eating enough foods with Vitamin D

Ways to get some sun/Vitamin D are:

  • When you are inside, find a window and sit by it. Get some sun by any means necessary.
  • Walk for a little while outside, whether it’s to get lunch or walk the dog.
  • Use sunscreen wisely, that protects from harmful UV rays, while still allowing you to have the nutrients necessary.
  • Having trouble, ask a professional for advice and/or take a vacation at the beach. 🙂

Share with Us: What is your favorite way or means of getting some sun?

(This post was brought to you by Earth’s Enrichments.  Similar posts can be found by visiting our Blog.  More information about our  company and products (USDA Certified Organic Soaps, Organic Bath Salts, Organic Sugar Scrubs, Organic Body Balms and Organic Lip Balms) can be found on our Website. Thank you Earth’s Enricher!) 

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Fruits for Your Valentine


Dear Earth’s Enrichers

Fruits for Your ValentineLove is in the air! It’s Valentine’s Day, are you planning anything special? Whether you’re sharing gifts or actually spending time with one another, Valentine’s Day is the perfect moment to do so! Aside from red boxes of chocolates, EE would like to share other red goodies that could symbolize romance as well as good health.

To keep your Valentine’s Day healthy and unforgettable, looking at other culture’s means of romance is a great way to discover riveting romantic tales and find tasty treats that are beneficial to your health. That way your treat for Valentine’s Day won’t be a guilty pleasure. One of the fruits that is represented as a positive symbol is an apple. The apple does more than keep the doctor away! In the Greek culture the apple can symbolize love and passion. A ticket to romantic happiness, if you will. In other cultures like the Chinese culture, it is a symbol of peace and is eaten around their New Year. So, this Valentine’s Day you could feed each other apples to set a peaceful, romantic mood.

Another fruit that represents multiple romantic notions and is quite perplexing in itself is the pomegranate. The pomegranate symbolizes passion. In some Indian cultures, it symbolizes prosperity and fertility. This is a great fruit to decorate the plate with and while you wait for the meal, snack on. Also, if you are not into wine, pomegranate juice is a great substitute for wine with a similar color and sweeter flavor.

Grapes and wine. Both interchangeably romantic as they symbolize a transformation from one good thing to another.  In Greek culture, grapes symbolized fertility, which could mean abundance in many things. Then after feasting on grapes you and your loved one can move on to the wine. Although, this is about red things of amore (love), white wine is better for your teeth, but red wine also has great health benefits as well as a rich flavor. It is recommended to drink it through a straw. A perfect excuse to share a special moment with your loved one.

Last but certainly not least, the popular aphrodisiac the strawberry. It’s an aphrodisiac in Rome, France, and Greece. It goes great with champagne and even better with sugar, chocolate or sweet cream. This delicious treat would be great to share as an after dinner snack… a romantic end to a lovely evening. 

The EE 411: Health Benefits

Here are few listings of health benefits to romantic red fruits:

Strawberry– Vitamin C, antioxidants, boosts immunities, promotes great eye health, helps fight cancer, helps fight wrinkles, reduces inflammation, helps regulate blood pressure, and boosts fiber.

Apple– helps whiten and make teeth healthier, helps protect against Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, decreases risk of diabetes, reduces cholesterol, helps prevent hemorrhoids, irritable bowl, constipation, and diarrhea, and helps control weight.

Pomegranate– antioxidants, benefits the heart and blood vessels, lowers cholesterol.

Grapes– about 100 calories a serving, vitamins K and C, and full of antioxidants.

Wine– promotes longevity, reduces heart-attack risk, risk of heart disease, risk of type 2 diabetes, lowers risk of stroke, reduces the risks of cataracts, and cuts risk of colon cancer.

Also, just for your info check out our website for great Valentine’s Day sales. Save 15% on your entire order (placed between 2/1/14-2/15/14) plus get free shipping on orders over $49. Use the promo code: LOVE.

Share with Us: Do you have any red healthy treats for Valentine’s Day that you recommend? 

(This post was brought to you by Earth’s Enrichments.  Similar posts can be found by visiting our Blog.  More information about our  company and products (USDA Certified Organic Soaps, Organic Bath Salts, Organic Sugar Scrubs, Organic Body Balms and Organic Lip Balms) can be found on our Website. Thank you Earth’s Enricher!)