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Organic Health – Healthy Power Breakfast

Power BreakfastHey Earth’s Enrichers

It’s time for a little talk about the most important meal of the day–breakfast! Ever since you were a kid, your parents always told you about the importance of having a good breakfast. Not only did having it wake you up in the morning, but it also got you ready for the day.

They weren’t lying, breakfast is important to your day because it helps you kickstart your body. It boosts energy by feeding your metabolism. Think about it: you sleep for 7 to 9 hours a night–sometimes even more– and then you wake up. Your body hasn’t had any food put into since dinner. You literally haven’t eaten for about 7 to 9 hours and that’s why it’s so important for your body to begin the day right.

However, what makes a breakfast? Better yet, what makes a healthy breakfast? Around the world breakfast has it’s different elements; it doesn’t always have to be bacon and eggs. It could even be a healthier option sometimes. In some cultures they start out with a cappuccino and something sweet in others, perhaps, the familiar omelet. Now some other kinds of breakfast can be really out of the box like vegemite and toast, or tofu, and rice with various other types of meat.  

The point is this- no matter where you come from, breakfast is different for different people depending on geography, food availability and personal preparedness, but there is one thing that should be universal–health. Breakfast, being your most important and crucial meal of the day, should be healthy. Not too sweet or full of other fatty qualities. It should be made of foods that help boost energy and won’t leave you feeling and tired and ready to go back to bed on your way to work.

Off the top of your head, what are some of the most healthy breakfasts that you can think of? Were any of them fruit, oatmeal, cereal, parfaits, eggs, or muffins? It’s all about the decisions you make. For instance, the majority of us all love the bacon! It is the all-too-familiar meat option for breakfast. It doesn’t have to be bad for you, but it can be if you eat too much of it. So, why not switch it up?

Instead of having bacon to go with your whole grain toast and egg, try turkey or tofu bacon. That way you are getting your protein and filling your meat category. It’s as simple as research and proper substitution. Don’t be afraid to try new things.  There are plenty of options out there. Be sure that when you do your research, you look for the healthy choice and also keep your personal health in mind when searching. ^-^

The EE 411: Breakfast – The Game of Substitution

Following is a list of a few healthier options for breakfast:

  • Fruit (with or without Yougurt) smoothies
  • Muffins, bagels, or toast (whole grain usually fills you up)
  • Green tea or orange juice with breakfast instead of coffee
  • Scrambled eggs with your choice of additions, with whole grain toast
  • Fruit salad or parfait
  • Oatmeal with fruits and nuts
  • Bananas
  • Whole grain waffles with fruit of choice
  • Egg sandwich
  • Oatmeal squares or granola bars
  • Whole grain cinnamon french toast with fruit

We always believe it best for you to do your own research especially when it comes with more exotic breakfast options. If you are getting bored with these breakfast options, try looking for other ethnic and cultural options. They may also be healthy decisions and, as always, look out for your best interests–you deserve it!

Share with Us:  What is your favorite breakfast food?

(This post was brought to you by Earth’s Enrichments.  Similar posts can be found by visiting our Blog.  More information about our  company and products (USDA Certified Organic Soaps, Organic Bath Salts, Organic Sugar Scrubs, Organic Body Balms and Organic Lip Balms) can be found on our Website. Thank you Earth’s Enricher!) 

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Healthy Lifestyle – Daily Heath: Food and Nourishment


Dear Earth’s Enrichers

Large health food selection in white porcelain bowls and dishesImagine your alarm clock goes off, you snooze it, and about 20 minutes later you are late for work! Your supposedly calm morning routine is completely compromised! Now, you have to get up, and get yourself together. For those of you who have kids, that means waking them up, getting them ready, preparing their breakfast, grabbing everything they need. By the time you get them to school or yourself to work, you have not eaten. Did you grab anything along the way? Nope!

The first meeting of your day begins, your coworker addresses you and in a return greeting your stomach answers with a grumble. In a situation like this, you have two options: (1) find a quick snack or (2) wait for lunch. When you can’t find a snack, you wait for lunch. Then what if something comes up for lunch like you forgot to bring it and you left your wallet at home. What’s next, dinner?

Your body requires certain things to help it get through the day and maintain a balance of good health. Without these things, it could produce small signs which are messages or SOS signals, if you will, from your body saying it needs them. So your body’s basic needs boils down to sleep, food or nourishment, physical activity, sun, and water. This week our topic will be food and nourishment.

The common knowledge about meals is that there should at least be three: breakfast, lunch, and dinner. This is a convenient way to split up the meals you are supposed to eat in a day. You know, once in the morning, once at noon or in the afternoon, and then again in the evening. It’s an even three way split; however, due to some individuals’ schedules, this may be a hard thing to do.

If all else fails, the most important meal of the day really is breakfast. Think of it this way, in that earlier scenario, if the individual had grabbed one or two things for breakfast, they wouldn’t have to wait for lunch or scavenge for a snack. But what if you are in a hurry? Well, hide a snack stow it away. Place one in your glove department, or have some at work just in case you forget. It can always come in handy.

Another aspect of food and nourishment you should consider, over the long term, is the food groups you are consuming. Did you know there is an average serving of each food group you are supposed to have in a day? Can you imagine how great you would feel?

Eating the right amounts of food and incorporating the appropriate food groups into your diet can increase productivity. It can boost energy, which is why the body consumes carbohydrates. It increases brain function because the brain uses fats or fatty acids to help it work. Proteins help rebuild and support muscle growth and recovery after working out.

Eating and preparing the appropriate amount for each foods category helps your body naturally create those elements you need. Finding natural foods, without GMO’s or artificial chemical enhancers makes for better and healthier nutrition. Supplements such as pills or vitamins are not always the best way to get these nutritional factors.

If you are having trouble getting the appropriate nutrition, see a professional and if they prescribe supplements use with impeccable adherence to the instructions given to you by the doctor. Remember, too much of a good thing can be negative. If you over use vitamins or supplements, you could end up poisoning the body or overworking a major body system. It is very important that you know your body and get it what it needs and deserves. 

The EE 411: Food and Nourishment Tips

ChooseMyPlate  is a great website that can help you plan your meals so that you can incorporate the correct food groups and understand the importance of them.

At the top of the website there are several tabs you can choose from, from MyPlate to Healthy Eating Tips. When you select “MyPlate” it gives you a list of food groups:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Grains
  • Proteins
  • Dairy
  • Oils

When you select one of the food groups there are at least six questions that sort the appropriate information.  Selecting the link “How much is needed?” will give you a brief description and provide a link to the nutritional contents of the food in each group.

This websites also gives a list of what different types of food are a part of that category. This will provide you with a variety of options, so you don’t get bored with the same foods.

As for some short-term tips:

  • Eating at least three times a day is ideal
  • Snacking all day is not a problem just pick the healthier choices
  • Always eat breakfast
  • Stow away snacks just in case you forget or miss a meal
  • Eat your vegetables *you know who you are*
  • Incorporate the different food groups into your meals
  • Check out what your ideal plat should look like

Share with Us: Identify your least favorite food group. How can you improve your consumptions of this food group?

(This post was brought to you by Earth’s Enrichments.  Similar posts can be found by visiting our Blog.  More information about our  company and products (USDA Certified Organic Soaps, Organic Bath Salts, Organic Sugar Scrubs, Organic Body Balms and Organic Lip Balms) can be found on our Website. Thank you Earth’s Enricher!)