Baltimore Business Journal
This news article focuses on the organic guarantee given with each of our USDA Organic Certified Skin and Hair Care products. “We wanted to make sure that our customers knew exactly what they were getting when they purchased our products. We wanted to insure the integrity. That’s why we wanted to create something that our customers could look at and tell that it is top-notch, top-quality…”
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Afro Newspaper
Front Cover Newspaper Article
This news article promotes supporting businesses in the African American community and features our USDA Organic Certified and All Natural Hair Care Collection – Earth’s Enrichments “strives to combine their morals, personas, and love for skin care to create something positive that gives back to the community. We try to be role models, not just for our children and the people i our family, but for women in the community.”
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The Baltimore Times and The Annapolis Times
Front Cover Newspaper Article
This news article promotes women in business and features our USDA Organic Certified Skin Care Collection – “To own your own business you must plan and have patience. In planning you must research the market that you business is in, you must pull together a great team with expertise that can assist you in starting your business, and you must create a solid foundation for your business….”
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The Washington Informer
Newspaper Article
This news article features our USDA Organic Certified Skin Care Collection and promotes women in business – “Earth’s Enrichments, a local organic body and skin care company that prides itself on being health conscious and environmentally friendly. Earth’s Enrichments, whose slogan is “Enriched by Earth…Deserved by Everyone.” offers premium U.S. Department of Agriculture – certified organic skin care products that are made with the best ingredients….”
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Organic Spa Magazine
Magazine Feature
This Holiday Gift Guide features our USDA Organic Certified Skin Care Gift Set – “This Lavender of the Valley gift set combines our organic bar soap, which will revitalize your skin and keep it healthy, moisturized and smooth, and our organic body balm, which penetrates, moisturizes and hydrates dry skin.”

Earth’s Enrichments’ Founders